10 oz (283g)

Dark Roast. Exquisitely bold and rich in taste, the SAIGON NIGHTS is a sophisticated cup of coffee, uniquely blended and meticulously roasted in small batches to bring out the finest flavor in each bean.

Traditionally, Vietnamese coffee is a blend of chicory and Robusta beans to create a dark and smoky coffee flavor that balances harmoniously with sweetened condensed milk (also known as Cà Phê Sữa Đá in Vietnamese).

Sir Owlverick’s SAIGON NIGHTS is a modern take on the traditional Vietnamese Coffee. Using Papa Tang’s unique blend of Robusta and Arabica beans and his traditional roasting technique, we’ve created a perfectly smooth and bold cup so you can sip it black. Or try adding some sweetened condensed to recreate the strong, sweet, and velvety classic Cà Phê Sữa Đá.


  • Roast: Dark
  • Flavor Profile: Dark Chocolate, hazelnut, maple syrup. Full bodied and low acidity with a smooth and bold finish.
  • Region: Blend of Arabica and Robusta beans
  • Altitude: 2950 -7200 ft (900-2200 masl)
  • Process: Washed and Dried
  • Recommended Brew Method: Traditional Vietnamese Coffee Drip or French Press
  • 100% Certified Organic by BioAgriCert